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Graphics from the Report


1. AVAC's "3D" View of the World: 2019 and beyond
2. UNAIDS Fast-Track Targets: The plan and the progress
3. Declines But Not a Decisive Effect of the Intervention: Key results from "universal test and treat" trials
4. A Generic and Unifying HIV Prevention Cascade Framework
5. Visualizing Multisectoral Prevention: The DREAMS program theory of change
6. Monitoring Primary Prevention: What to look at and why it matters—for oral PrEP and more
7. What Gets Measured Matters: PrEP monitoring varies widely by country, funder and normative agency
8. HIV Prevention Research, Development and Implementation Pipeline in 2020&—and Beyond
9. Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials: Results, milestones and more
10. Total and Additional Users of Modern Contraception, 2012-2019


1. Universal Test and Treat (UTT) Trial Results
2. Metrics for Epidemic Transition: A glossary